You Can Help Make Possibilities Farm Possible
The impact the horses have on the community, making profound connections that bring out the best in people, are truly priceless. To make the magic happen requires taking excellent care of the herd with extensive resources. Many people have asked how they can help support the horses. With prices continuing to increase, I am happy to accept donations that will allow us to keep serving the community. Although your donations are not tax deductible, every penny will be spent caring for the herd and bringing them to the community. Your donation will offset the cost of:
- Daily Hay
- Daily "Grain" (Includes essential vitamins and minerals not found in grass or hay)
- Daily Supplements to address special medical needs
- Bedding for stalls
- Monthly hoof trimming
- Monthly payments on our mobile miniature horse van (a converted cargo van) which makes it possible for us to bring the minis to people who otherwise could not come to the farm
- Semi-annual veterinary visits for vaccinations, plus additional veterinary expenses for any illness or injury
- Annual dental work (horses' teeth grow continuously and must be filed annually to eliminate any sharp, painful points)
To thank you for your donation, you will receive a free link to download our book
The Word from the Herd:
How to Thrive During a Pandemic and Anything Else Life Might Throw at You
Explore eleven of the most powerful practices that the horses offer in coaching sessions at Possibilities Farm in this downloadable pdf book.
Learn from the herd how to maintain your balance in any situation by:
Experience the ancient wisdom of resilient wild and domestic horses through evocative images, stories, concrete examples of how to integrate the practices in daily life, and worksheets to record your experience. |